Nama : Dedi
NIM : 1136000028
Analisis jurnal
internasional tentang kecemasan pada anak
Judul :
Interpersonal Trauma pada anak-anak: Mengapa kita membutuhkan Diagnosis
perkembangannya sesuai Trauma
Jurnal ini ialah study litelatur. Sepertiga anak-anak
diseluruh dunia mengalami kekerasan fisik, sekitar satu dari empat gadis dan
satu dari lima anak laki-laki menjadi korban seksual. Kejadian tersebut
menyebabkan banyaknya biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk biaya pengobatan.
Sejumlah penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa paparan
interpersonal trauma dapat kronis dan pervasively mengubah pengembangan sosial,
psikologi, kognitif dan biologis. Anak-anak mengalami banyak bentuk traumatis
kesulitan interpersonal selain fisik dan seksual. Sayangnya, korban pada
anak-anak mengalami penculikan, bullying, dan kelalaian. Anak-anak yang
mengalami hal tersebut beresiko parah dan kronis masalah bersamaan
dengan regulasi emosi, kontrol impuls, perhatian dan kognisi, pemisahan,
hubungan interpersonal dan atribusi, hal ini disebutkan oleh study sebelumnya.
Kekayaan sangat literatur menarik memiliki efek
paradoks: karena literatur begitu luas, kesehatan mental masyarakat secara
komprehensif dan sistematis menggambarkan efek dari korban masa kanak-kanak.
Jurnal ini meneliti sebagai berikut:
Masa kanak-kanak korban diikuti dengan spektrum
gejala-gejala tertentu.
Gejala-gejala ini tidak bisa diperhitungkan oleh
diagnosis DSM-IV yang ada atau kombinasi komorbiditas diagnosa, termasuk PTSD.
Penelitian sistem biologis yang terganggu oleh masa
kanak-kanak trauma konsisten dengan spektrum ini perilaku, affec-tive,
kognitif, dan relational gejala.
Untuk menemukan hubungan antara anak-anak yang
dianiaya dan yang lain sebagainya seperti yang telah disebutkan diatas, jadi
apa dampak dari anak-anak yang mengalami hal tersebut.
Apakah masa kanak-kanak Trauma
Interpersonal mengakibatkan Set gejala saling berhubungan?
Banyak studi telah mendokumentasikan yang terkena
trauma antar pribadi selama masa kanak-kanak berkaitan dengan peningkatan disregulasi
mempengaruhi dan dorongan, perubahan dalam perhatian dan kesadaran, gangguan
skema atribusi dan kesulitan interpersonal. Pertama, kita akan meninjau studi
mendokumentasi gangguan dalam setiap bidang ini.
Karena literatur jadi tidak ada
subjek penelitian.
ditemukan penurunan kognitif,
kompetisi sosial dan oposisi perilaku pada ana-anak yang terkena aniaya. Hasi
kekerasan fisik dari 3,355 remaja menemukan
kesehatan yang buruk. Anak-anak dengan sejarah interpersonal trauma
menunjukan kesulitan pemprosesan kognitif dan agresif dibanding dengan
anak-anak yang tidak mengalami hal demikan. Ditemukan bahwa remaja yang telah
didiagnosa PTSD lebih sering menggunakan zat (mungkin narkoba) diabanding
dengan remaja yang tidak PTSD.
pengobatan dari anak-anak yang dianiaya, menemukan bahwa diantara anak-anak
yang trauma interpersonal intervensi ditargetkan reaksi trauma lan perbaikan
dalam gejala DTD. Kelompok dengan perawan standar hanya perlu perbaikan, dalam
pemeriksaan intervensi menemukan bahwa seluruh sampel (N=64) memiliki sejarah
tarauma parah, yakni dari gelaja seperti perhatian, sosial, perlaku kognitif
dan masalah internalisasi. Nah selama intervensi difokuskan untuk menyelesaikan
gangguan trauma.
trauma pada anak-anak disebabkan oleh orang dewas yang semenamena memperlakukan
anak-anak tidak sewajarnya.
banyak hal yang perlu diungkap, gejala-gejala yang ditentukan oleh DSM-IV yang
menyatakan bahwa gejala-gejala tersebut dikatakan trauma anak, apakah
gejala-gejala yang dialami anak tersebut selalu didiagnosa PTSD? Apakah hanya
sebatas kamus? Apakah anak-anak yang mengalami kekerasan lalu dikatakan trauma?
Menarik untuk kita teliti dan lebih menspesifikasikannya sehingga tidak terjadi
pemahaman yang hanya fokus pada satu titik.
2012 American Orthopsychiatric Association
Vol. 82, No. 2, 187–200
DOI: 10.1111/j.1939-0025.2012.01154.x
Understanding Interpersonal Trauma in
Why We Need a Developmentally
Trauma Diagnosis
Wendy D’Andrea
Julian Ford
The New School
University of Connecticut
Bradley Stolbach
Joseph Spinazzola and Bessel A. van der Kolk
La Rabida Children’s
The Trauma Center at
Justice Resource Institute
Childhood exposure to
victimization is prevalent and has been shown to contribute to sig-nificant
immediate and long-term psychological distress and functional impairment.
Chil-dren exposed to interpersonal victimization often meet criteria for
psychiatric disorders other than posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Therefore, this article summarizes research that suggests directions for
broadening current diagnostic conceptualizations for victimized children,
focusing on findings regarding victimization, the prevalence of a vari-ety of
psychiatric symptoms related to affect and behavior dysregulation, disturbances
of consciousness and cognition, alterations in attribution and schema, and
interpersonal impairment. A wide range of symptoms is common in victimized
children. As a result, in the current psychiatric nosology, multiple comorbid
diagnoses are necessary—but not nec-essarily accurate—to describe many
victimized children, potentially leading to both under-treatment and
overtreatment. Related findings regarding biological correlates of childhood
victimization and the treatment outcome literature are also reviewed.
Recom-mendations for future research aimed at enhancing diagnosis and treatment
of victimized children are provided.
exposure to interpersonal traumatic stressors is extremely common and has been
described as a silent epidemic (Kaffman, 2009). Worldwide, approximately one
third of children are estimated to experience physical abuse;
approximately one in four girls and one in five
boys experience sexual victimization (Anda et al., 1999; Felitti et al., 1998;
Put-nam, 2003; United Nations, 2006). Each year in the United States, one
million children experience substantiated abuse (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 2007). Some esti-mates place the fiscal cost of childhood abuse
and neglect in 2007 at $103.8 billion (Wang & Holton, 2007), including
foster care and residential treatment. Child abuse-related hospitaliza-tions
resulted in fatalities at 10-fold the rate of non-child-abuse hospitalizations,
incurred twice the cost of non-abuse-related hospitalizations ($19,266 vs.
$9,153 in 1999), and were twice as
The authors thank Reese
Minshew, Tanya Erazo, and the staff of The Trauma Center for their
contributions to this article. The writing of this article was supported by
funding from The Affective Neuroscience Foundation.
Correspondence concerning this
article should be addressed to Wendy D’Andrea, The New School, 80 Fifth Ave.,
6th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Electronic mail may be sent to
paid for through Medicaid (Rovi, Chen, & Johnson, 2004). The National
Institute of Justice estimates that the com-bined costs of mental health care,
social services, medical care, and police services are $4,379 per incident of
childhood abuse.
The financial costs of childhood victimization represent an
urgent public health need that has been identified as the most significant
public health issue in the country (Anda et al., 2006). Consistent with social
cost, childhood victimization accrues sig-nificant mental health consequences
for those victimized by it. Both short-term (Beitchman, Zucker, Hood, DaCosta,
& Akman, 1991; Danielson et al., 2010; Zinzow, Ruggiero, Resnick, Smith,
& Saunders, 2009) and long-term consequences (Beitchman et al., 1992;
Irish, Kobayashi, & Delahanty, 2010) have been documented in large-scale
epidemiological samples (Green, McLaughlin, Berglund, Gruber, & Sampson,
2010; Kessler, Davis, & Kendler, 1997) and meta-analyses (Koenen, Moffitt,
Poulton, Martin, & Caspi, 2007; Neumann, Houskamp, Pollock, & Briere,
1996). Numerous studies have shown that exposure to interpersonal trauma can
chronically and pervasively alter social, psychological, cognitive, and
biological development (Burns et al., 1998; Cook et al., 2005; Spinazzola et
al., 2005).
Children experience many forms of traumatic interpersonal
adversity in addition to physical and sexual abuse. Unfortunately,
in childhood may take many forms, including assault, abduction, bullying, and
neglect. As described by a leading researcher, Finkelhor:
[V]ictimization can be defined as harm that
comes to individuals because other human actors have behaved in ways that
violate social norms. Even though we sometimes refer to people as ‘‘victims of
hurricanes’’, ‘‘cancer victims’’, or ‘‘accident victims’’, the more com-mon
reference for the term victimization is interpersonal victimiza-tion. In
interpersonal victimization, the elements of malevolence, betrayal, injustice,
and immorality are more likely to be factors than in accidents, diseases, and
natural disasters. (Finkelhor, 2008, p. 23)
No single current psychiatric diagnosis accounts for the
clus-ter of symptoms that research has shown frequently to occur in children
exposed to interpersonal trauma. Despite the breadth of posttrauma dysfunction,
the current diagnostic cornerstone, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual,
Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994), has only one
diagnosis that specifically identifies trauma as an antecedent: posttraumat-ic
stress disorder (PTSD). However, PTSD may not fully cap-ture the spectrum of
posttrauma symptoms, particularly among children. For example, fewer than a
quarter of children in treat-ment for trauma-related psychopathology with the
National Child Traumatic Stress Network meet criteria for PTSD (Py-noos et al.,
2008), and other researchers report that PTSD is the 5th (Ackerman, Newton, McPherson,
Jones, & Dykman, 1998) and 10th (Copeland, Keeler, Angold, & Costello,
2007) most common disorder in childhood following exposure to traumatic
stressors. Comorbidity seems to be the rule, rather than the exception: 40% of
children with any trauma history have at least one other mood, anxiety, or
disruptive behavior disorder diagnosis, and this relationship is exacerbated by
exposure to increasing numbers of types of traumatic stressors (Copeland et
al., 2007). Consistent with this finding, epidemiological (Fin-kelhor, Ormrod,
& Turner, 2007; Ford, Elhai, Connor, & Frueh, 2010; Gustafsson,
Nilsson, & Svedin, 2009; Holt, Finkel-hor, & Kantor, 2007) and clinical
(Cloitre et al., 2009; Ford, Connor, & Hawke, 2009; Ford, Fraleigh, &
Connor, 2010; Ford et al., 2000) research has shown that the number and
complexity of symptoms and diagnoses that children and adolescents suffer
increases as the number of types of traumatic stressors that they were exposed
to in childhood increases. Although other factors such as the chronicity,
physical violation, and betrayal of trust involved in victimization play an
important role in determining the risk and severity of posttraumatic symptoms
and impair-ment experienced by children and adolescents, simply having been
exposed to a greater breadth of types of victimization appears to be
particularly influential in the development of mul-tifaceted and severe
symptoms that range across the spectrum of disorders (Finkelhor, Ormrod, &
Turner, 2009).
Studies on the sequelae of serial or repeated childhood
mal-treatment, neglect, and interpersonal violence demonstrate that these types
of victimization place children and adolescents at risk of chronic and severe
coexisting problems with emotion reg-ulation, impulse control, attention and
cognition, dissociation, interpersonal relationships, and attributions.
Responding to this critical mass of clinical, anecdotal, and empirically based
obser-vations of co-occurring symptom domains in this subpopulation of trauma
victims, several investigators (Briere & Spinazzola,
Cloitre et al., 2009; Dorahy, Corry, Shannon, MacSherry, & Hamilton, 2009;
Ford & Courtois, 2009) and national organi-zations (Sykes Wylie, 2010) have
called for refinement and clarification of current psychiatric diagnostic
systems. In antici-pation of forthcoming revisions to the DSM, we believe that
it is important to call attention to a large body of empirical research
conducted over the past two decades, the findings of which appear to converge
to provide evidence for examination of the coherence and utility of a
developmentally sensitive post-maltreatment diagnosis. Although it may appear
obvious that child maltreatment results in negative outcomes, the state of the
current literature has remained fragmented, owing to the fact that studies are
conducted by islands of researchers who may not collaborate or integrate with
one another (e.g., experimental psychologists, epidemiologists, developmental
psychologists, and clinicians). The very wealth of the literature and the
phe-nomenon of interest have had a paradoxical effect: Because the literature
is so broad, the mental health community has strug-gled to comprehensively and
systematically describe the effects of childhood victimization. Toward this
end, in the present article, we examine the evidence that bears directly upon
the following premises:
Childhood victimization is followed by a
spectrum of specific symptoms.
These symptoms cannot be accounted for by any
existing DSM-IV diagnosis or combination of comorbid diagnoses, including PTSD.
Research on the biological systems disrupted by
childhood trauma is consistent with this spectrum of behavioral, affec-tive,
cognitive, and relational symptoms.
The application of nonspecific diagnoses to
maltreated chil-dren reduces the likelihood of positive treatment outcomes,
whereas interventions that comprehensively address the spectrum of problems of
children exposed to interpersonal trauma increase the likelihood of positive
treatment out-comes.
Throughout this review and conceptual article, we will
pri-marily utilize the terms victimization or interpersonal trauma to refer to
the range of maltreatment, interpersonal violence, abuse, assault, and neglect experiences
encountered by children and adolescents, including familial physical, sexual,
emotional abuse and incest; community-, peer-, and school-based assault,
molestation, and severe bullying; severe physical, medical, and emotional
neglect; witnessing domestic violence; as well as the impact of serious and
pervasive disruptions in caregiving as a consequence of severe caregiver mental
illness, substance abuse, criminal involvement, or abrupt separation or
traumatic loss. This composite definition of interpersonal trauma derives from
trauma exposure definitions and categories utilized by the National Child
Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) in the Network’s large, multisite,
longitudinal child trauma database (Pynoos et al., 2008) as adapted from child
trauma exposure definitions established by the National Child Abuse and Neglect
Data System (NCANDS; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). It is
important to note that the lit-erature on childhood interpersonal trauma and
victimization is vast, and this article does not attempt to delineate or
pertinent publication. Rather, the goal of this conceptual-ization and review
is to examine the phenomenology of child-hood interpersonal trauma and
victimization to suggest directions or strategies for improvements to the
current diag-nostic system. To do so, we will highlight findings that emerge
most consistently in empirically based, scholarly peer-reviewed studies in this
area of inquiry.
We would like to state one conundrum up front: Although we
believe that the existing evidence suggests the need for a new paradigm for
understanding adaptations to trauma, as suggested by others (e.g., Rutter,
2011; Taylor, 2011), while simulta-neously recommending new diagnostic
categories, we are pre-senting a paradox. It may appear that we are implicitly
endorsing an approach to mental health that further pathologiz-es individuals
living in toxic environments, rather than the envi-ronments themselves, and
that takes categorical approaches to diagnosis as their starting point.
Unfortunately, it may be the case of current events that a broad, but accurate,
categorical diagnosis to describe developmental posttraumatic adaptations is a
necessary step in moving toward more transactional frame-works. We will return
to this topic at our conclusion.
Does Childhood Interpersonal Trauma Result in an
Interrelated Set of Symptoms?
Numerous studies have documented that exposure to
inter-personal trauma during childhood is related to increased inci-dence of
affect and impulse dysregulation, alterations in attention and consciousness,
disturbances of attribution and schema, and interpersonal difficulties. First,
we will review stud-ies documenting disruptions in each of these areas. Studies
doc-umenting co-occurring disruption across multiple domains are subsequently
of Affect and Behavior
A variety of symptoms may represent affective and
behavioral dysregulation. Such affective symptoms commonly found in children
exposed to interpersonal violence include lability, anhe-donia, flat or numbed
affect, explosive or sudden anger, and incongruous or inappropriate affect.
Behavioral expressions of affect regulation may include withdrawal,
self-injury, aggression, oppositional behavior, substance use, or other
compulsive behavior. Behavioral dysregulation may represent affective over-load
as well as attempts to dispel, reduce, or recover from nega-tive affect states.
Studies by Cicchetti and colleagues (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2007; Maughan
& Cicchetti, 2002; Rogosch & Cic-chetti, 2005; Shields & Cicchetti,
2001), as well as other investi-gators (Cloitre, 2005; Noll, Trickett, Harris,
& Putnam, 2009; Pollak, Messner, Kistler, & Cohn, 2009), have been
instrumental in exploring affect dysregulation in maltreated children com-pared
with nonmaltreated peers. In a series of studies, mal-treated children were
shown to have increased negative affect and general emotion dysregulation
(e.g., emotional reactivity, inability to temper emotional responses) and
inappropriate emo-tional responses (Lewis, Todd, & Honsberger, 2007;
Shields & Cicchetti, 1998, 2001). Maltreated children also showed
diffi-culty understanding and expressing emotions in experimental settings
(Pollak, Cicchetti, Hornung, & Reed, 2000), but they
appeared to be acutely sensitive to perceiving facial cues as connoting anger
on the part of other persons (Pollak & Tolley-Schell, 2003; Pollak et al.,
2009). Studies have documented that maltreated children are either
hypersensitive or avoidant in response to negative emotional stimuli or are
likely to interpret positive emotions as ambiguous (Pine et al., 2005; Pollak
et al., 2000).
Children with difficulties interpreting emotions, paired
with impulsivity, may be at risk for aggressive behavior (Ford, Fra-leigh,
Albert, & Connor, 2010; Ford, Fraleigh, & Connor, 2010). Not
surprisingly, juvenile justice and delinquent youth have a disproportionately
high rate of victimization with subse-quent aggression, self-injury, substance
abuse, sexual risk-tak-ing, and oppositional behavior (Abram, Teplin,
McClelland, & Dulcan, 2003; Abram et al., 2007; Ford, Hartman, Hawke, &
Chapman, 2008; Jainchill, Hawke, & Messina, 2005; Kenny, Lennings, &
Nelson, 2007; Teplin, McClelland, Abram, & Mile-usnic, 2005).
Posttraumatic dysregulation of affect and behavior may also
be manifested in internalizing symptoms that may lead to a diagnosis of
affective, eating, or anxiety disorders (including but not limited to PTSD;
Finkelhor et al., 2007; Gustafsson et al., 2009; Turner, Finkelhor, & Ormrod,
2006), as well as in aca-demic or learning impairments (Holt et al., 2007) and
dimin-ished self-esteem (Turner, Finkelhor, & Ormrod, 2010a). Less
frequently documented symptoms may mimic freeze or tonic immobility responses
and behavioral and affective collapse (Marx, Forsyth, Gallup, Fuse, &
Lexington, 2008; Rocha-Rego et al., 2009). Avolition, anhedonia, withdrawal,
and unrespon-sive affects are also documented in childhood interpersonal trauma
survivors (Atlas & Hiott, 1994; Lumley & Harkness, 2007).
of Attention and Consciousness
Disturbances of attention and consciousness following
expo-sure to interpersonal trauma may manifest as dissociation,
depersonalization, memory disturbance, inability to concentrate (regardless of
whether the task evokes trauma reminders), and disrupted executive functioning
(e.g., ability to plan, problem solve). Several researchers have hypothesized
that dissociation may take the form of inattention and impulsivity in
traumatized children (Cromer, Stevens, DePrince, & Pears, 2006; Endo,
Sugiyama, & Someya, 2006; Kaplow, Hall, Koenen, Dodge, & Amaya-Jackson,
2008). For example, in a study on the impact of dissociation on cognition,
Cromer et al. (2006) examined executive control of children in foster care.
They found that def-icits in tasks requiring response inhibition were related
to chil-dren’s dissociation. Similarly, Endo et al. (2006) found that
dissociative children appeared to meet criteria for attention-defi-cit ⁄
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but nonmaltreated children with ADHD did not
appear to meet criteria for dissociative dis-orders. Kaplow et al. (2008) found
that PTSD symptoms did not account for inattentiveness in maltreated children.
As yet, the dividing line between dissociation and problems with atten-tion and
response inhibition is unclear. However, both are docu-mented sufficiently
frequently following childhood interpersonal trauma to merit further scientific
and clinical study. Despite overlapping with regard to problems with
concentration and
ADHD and PTSD appear to be distinct (although often comorbid) syndromes, and
exposure to interper-sonal trauma has not been found to be a consistent risk
factor for ADHD (Ford & Connor, 2009). This raises the possibility for
future study that children’s attentional and arousal regula-tion problems
associated with victimization may be differentia-ble from ADHD based on the
involvement of dissociation in posttraumatic sequelae but not in ADHD.
Studies examining the relationship between cognitive
func-tioning and childhood victimization have relied upon neuropsy-chological
tests and experimental paradigms (Ayoub et al., 2006; Nolin & Ethier, 2007;
Pine et al., 2005; Porter, Lawson, & Bigler, 2005; Rieder & Cicchetti,
1989; Savitz, van der Merwe, Stein, Solms, & Ramesar, 2007). Rieder and
Cicchetti (1989) found that, compared to nonmaltreated children, maltreated
children showed poorer executive functioning even in emotion-ally neutral contexts.
Executive functioning declined among maltreated children in contexts that
primed for aggression. Por-ter et al. (2005) found that abused children
performed less well on neuropsychological tests that assessed attention and
concen-tration. Pine et al. (2005) found that physical abuse severity was
associated with attention biases away from threatening stimuli, indicating that
emotional overload occurs in response to mate-rial only tangentially related to
trauma. Nolin and Ethier (2007) examined attention and cognition in physically
abused or neglected children. Compared to a control group, the abused or
neglected group showed disturbances of auditory attention, response set, and
visual-motor integration. With respect to stud-ies of cognitive capacities,
Ayoub et al. (2006) found that mal-treated children were less able to problem
solve as compared to their nonmaltreated peers and that interpersonal trauma
severity predicted the complexity of problem-solving capabilities. Dimin-ished
general cognitive capacities have been documented by sev-eral other studies
with victimized children. For example, Savitz et al. (2007) found that sexual
abuse severity was associated with poorer memory performance. Taken together,
these studies document a clear tendency toward disruption in the maltreated
child’s ability to maintain attention and integration of cognitive functions
that may be manifested in generalized impairment, as well as in deficits that
are triggered by reminders of victimiza-tion.
in Attributions
Children exposed to interpersonal trauma often have
dis-torted attributions about themselves and the world that may set the stage
for globalized shame and guilt, a negative cognitive style, distorted locus of
control, and poor self-efficacy (Bolger, Patterson, & Kupersmidt, 1998;
Burack et al., 2006; Daigneault, He´bert, & Tourigny, 2006; Gibb &
Abela, 2008; Kim & Cicchetti, 2006; Valentino, Cicchetti, Rogosch, &
Toth, 2008). For example, Bolger et al. (1998) and Turner et al. (2010a) found
that abuse or victimization severity and chronicity pre-dicted children’s
problems with self-esteem. Kim and Cicchetti (2006) prospectively examined
self-esteem in 251 maltreated and nonmaltreated children. They found that
physical and emotional abuse predicted initial levels of self-esteem and
decreases in self-esteem over time. Burack et al. (2006) found that maltreated
children had lower self-worth than their peers; similarly, Valenti-
no et
al. (2008) found that abused children were more likely to recall false-negative
information about themselves. Gibb and Abela (2008) found that verbal abuse
predicted a negative infer-ential style in children. Taken together, these data
represent a pervasive difficulty with understanding responsibility for one’s
own behavior and the behavior of others in maltreated children. Although a poor
sense of self-worth and self-efficacy is a symp-tom worthy of clinical
attention in and of itself, it sets the stage for problematic interactions with
others and worse mental health over time. Self-blame and poor self-worth may
decrease the like-lihood of engaging in self-protective behavior, which may in
turn increase psychopathology. For example, Daigneault et al. (2006) found that
poor self-esteem in maltreated children was a risk factor for adolescent
Interpersonal difficulties in children following abuse or
neglect may include disrupted attachment styles, difficulties with trust, low
interpersonal effectiveness, diminished social skills, inability to understand
social interactions, poor perspective-tak-ing abilities, expectations of harm
from others, and poor bound-aries (DePrince, Chu, & Combs, 2008; Elliott, Cunningham,
Linder, Colangelo, & Gross, 2005; Kernhof, Kaufhold, & Grab-horn, 2008;
Kim & Cicchetti, 2004; Perlman, Kalish, & Pollak, 2008). Children who
are exposed to abuse are at risk for the additional victimization of witnessing
domestic violence (Her-renkohl, Sousa, Tajima, Herrenkohl, & Moylan, 2008;
Shen, 2009; Turner, Finkelhor, & Ormrod, 2010b). Exposure to domestic
(particularly interparental) violence has been shown to increase the risk and
severity of internalizing, externalizing, rela-tional, academic and vocational,
and legal problems in child-hood, adolescence, and adulthood (Ford et al.,
2008; Graham-Bermann & Seng, 2005; Gregory, Caspi, Moffitt, & Poulton,
2006; Johnson & Lieberman, 2007; Luthra et al., 2009; Schech-ter et al.,
2007; Shen, 2009; Ybarra, Wilkens, & Lieberman, 2007). These findings have
been drawn from both self-report studies and experimental paradigms. Given the
central role that attachment appears to play in developing socioemotional
skills, it stands to reason that children who have experienced direct assaults
to their caregiving system (e.g., directly in the form of maltreatment or
indirectly as witnesses to domestic violence) would experience further
disruptions in social development.
Disruptions to the attachment and caregiving system also
may occur as a tertiary indirect result when family conflict or dysfunction,
emotional or behavioral health problems, or mal-treatment leads children to be
removed from their homes and families. A study of 772 maltreated children two
to three dec-ades later having been placed out of the home increased the risk
of being arrested as an adult (DeGue & Spatz Widom, 2009). However, the
instability of placements—which would be likely to increase the disruption in
the development of secure attach-ment working models—was a unique risk factor.
Correspond-ingly, in a study of 397 children in residential treatment for
serious emotional disturbance, multiple (but not single) out-of-home placements
were a more consistent correlate of externaliz-ing problems and psychosocial
impairment than whether the child had a history of documented sexual or
physical abuse (Ford et al., 2009). Multiple out-of-home placements also were
the only
correlate of internalizing problems, which were unre-lated to abuse.
Other studies have documented social interaction
difficulties in maltreated children, such as interpersonal conflict and poor
social skills. In a sample drawn from the National Youth Survey, Elliott et al.
(2005) found that exposure to interpersonal trauma predicted social isolation
in children. Experimental paradigms have documented cognitive styles and
schemas, which may influ-ence social behavior in maltreated children. Perlman
et al. (2008) found that maltreated children attributed sadness to both
posi-tive and negative social situations, which may disrupt their abili-ties to
successfully engage with others. DePrince et al. (2008) found that maltreated children
showed errors in judgment for interpersonal reasoning situations, which may
lead to inappro-priate or odd social behavior and social rejection. Burack et
al. (2006) found that maltreated children had more difficulties with social
perspective-taking, which may generate a defensive inter-personal style that
tends to lead to conflicted relationships. Thus, victimization may lead to
difficulties with interpersonal judgment and to externally imposed disruptions
in relationships with care-givers, which can create problematic lifelong
relational trajecto-ries resulting in homelessness (Padgett, Hawkins, Abrams,
& Davis, 2006) or criminality (DeGue & Spatz Widom, 2009).
Symptoms Following Childhood
Childhood victimization, particularly when it involves
multiple forms of interpersonal trauma (i.e., poly-victimization or complex
trauma), thus has been consistently found to be associated with complex
combinations of symptoms and biopsychosocial impair-ments (Anda et al., 2007;
Briere, Kaltman, & Green, 2008; Cloitre et al., 2009; Finkelhor et al.,
2009; Ford et al., 2009; Ford, Elhai, et al., 2010; Ford, Fraleigh, Albert, et
al., 2010; Ford, Fraleigh, & Connor, 2010). Researchers therefore have
inquired whether the seemingly disparate sequelae of childhood victimization
tend to co-occur or represent independent phenomena. A number of stud-ies have
examined the appearance of a broad array of symptoms within a single sample
(Bailey, Moran, & Pederson, 2007; Bradley, 1986; Lange, Kracht, Herholz,
Sachsse, & Irle, 2005; Lau, Liu, Cheung, Yu, & Wong, 1999; Spinazzola
et al., 2005; Teisl & Cic-chetti, 2008). In an early study, Bradley (1986)
found decreased cognitive functioning, poor social competence, and oppositional
behavior co-occurring in maltreated children. Lau et al. (1999) examined the
physical abuse outcomes in 3,355 adolescents and found an increased incidence
of poor physical health, poor inter-personal relationships, and increased
impulsive risk-taking behav-ior. Spinazzola et al. (2005) found that affect
dysregulation, inattention, poor self-image, and poor impulse control all were
prevalent in over half of their sample, indicating that these symp-toms
co-occur. Teisl and Cicchetti (2008) examined the impact of physical abuse on
domains of functioning on children. Children with histories of interpersonal
trauma showed difficulties with cognitive processing, affect regulation, and
aggressive cue inter-pretation compared to nonmaltreated peers. Bailey et al.
(2007) found difficulties with self-regulation, interpersonal relations,
attributions, and cognition in a sample of 62 at-risk youth. The maltreated
group showed an increased incidence of self-harm, interpersonal conflict,
identity confusion, and dissociation. Other
have documented similar symptom clusters in mal-treated children (Briscoe-Smith
& Hinshaw, 2006; Kisiel & Lyons, 2001; Tarren-Sweeney, 2008; Tsuboi,
Furthermore, outcomes of childhood interpersonal trauma
have been the subject of several meta-analytic investigations (Evans, Davies,
& DiLillo, 2008; Kitzmann, Gaylord, Holt, & Kenny, 2003; Noll, Shenk,
& Putnam, 2009). Evans et al. (2008) meta-analyzed the effects of domestic
violence on children across 60 studies and found a moderate effect size for
both internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Kitzmann et al. (2003) found
that witnessing domestic violence was significantly related to affective
disturbances, negative worldviews, external-izing behavior and aggression, and
social problems.
Several studies have directly examined whether the symptom
clusters associated with interpersonal trauma are interrelated (Praver,
DiGiuseppe, Pelcovitz, Mandel, & Gaines, 2000; Ro-gosch & Cicchetti,
2005; Shapiro, Leifer, Martone, & Kassem, 1992; Shields & Cicchetti,
1998). Shapiro et al. (1992) found that cognitive disturbance, interpersonal
disruptions, and opposi-tional behavior were interrelated in maltreated
children. A study by Shields and Cicchetti (1998) examined the interplay of
aggres-sion, attention, and emotion regulation in 228 children with and without
interpersonal trauma histories. Maltreated children were more likely to show
aggressive behaviors, attention deficits, dis-sociation, emotion dysregulation
and lability, and socially inap-propriate behavior. Attention and emotion
dysregulation placed maltreated children at increased risk for aggressive
behavior. Praver et al. (2000) interviewed 208 children categorized by
in-trafamilial trauma, extrafamilial trauma, combined trauma, or no trauma and
found that children with intrafamilial and com-bined trauma had elevated
symptoms across all proposed diag-nostic domains. Their sample showed strong
internal consistency among symptoms in maltreated children. Rogosch and Cicchetti
(2005) demonstrated that symptoms of affect and behavior dys-regulation,
attention or consciousness, attributions and schemas, and interpersonal
conflict were strongly intercorrelated among maltreated children. In
particular, maltreated children were likely to present with the following
interrelated symptoms: aggression, lability, negative affect, self-injury,
inattention, decreased self-worth, and high interpersonal conflict.
Biological Correlates of
Symptoms Commonly
Occurring in Maltreated
To date, several studies have examined biological
abnormalities in maltreated children and adults maltreated as children (Bevans,
Cerbone, & Overstreet, 2008; Curtis & Cicchetti, 2007; De Bellis et
al., 2002; Ito, Teicher, Glod, & Ackerman, 1998; Ito, Teicher, Glod, &
Harper, 1993; King, Mandansky, King, Fletcher, & Brewer, 2001; Linares et
al., 2008; Taylor, Eisenberger, Saxbe, Lehman, & Lieberman, 2006; Tupler
& De Bellis, 2006; Weems & Carrion, 2007). De Bellis et al. (2002)
found decreased volume in the corpus callosum, prefrontal cortices, and
temporal lobe and increased volume in the superior temporal gyrus in maltreated
children with PTSD as opposed to those without PTSD. Age of onset and duration
were significantly correlated with brain volume in those areas. Consistent with
these findings, a study of women with histories of childhood abuse found that
they had decreased volumes in particular areas of the corpus callosum, although
widely as was found for children (Kitayama et al., 2007). Thus, central nervous
system (CNS) alterations because of abuse in childhood may persist into
adulthood albeit in modified or attenu-ated forms because of maturation or
In studies that did not focus on specific diagnoses,
maltreat-ment, sexual abuse, parental verbal abuse, and harsh corporal
punishment have been found to be associated with numerous structural and
functional alterations in the brain and neuroendo-crine systems. Maltreated
children have been found to have vol-umetric reductions in the corpus callosum
left neocortex, hippocampus, and amygdala (Teicher et al., 2003). Young adult
women who experienced sexual abuse, compared to matched controls, had reduced
hippocampal volumes if the abuse occurred in early childhood or preadolescence,
reduced corpus callosum volumes if the abuse occurred in middle childhood, and
reduced prefrontal cortex volumes if the abuse occurred in adolescence
(Andersen et al., 2008). Similarly, studies comparing women diagnosed with
PTSD, depression, borderline personality disorder, and dissociative identity
disorder who had childhood sexual abuse histories versus matched controls found
evidence of reduced hippocampal (and in some cases, amygdalar) volumes
(Bremner, Vithilingham, Vermetten, Southwick, et al., 2003; Schmahl, Vermetten,
Elzinga, & Bremner, 2003; Vermetten, Sch-mahl, Lindner, Loewenstein, &
Bremner, 2006; Vythilingam et al., 2002). The evidence of reduced hippocampal
volumes is consistent with findings by Weems and Carrion (2007) that corti-sol
elevations related to childhood interpersonal trauma pre-dicted hippocampal
volume reduction over time. Women with childhood sexual abuse histories also
have been shown to have reduced gray matter in the visual cortices (Tomoda,
Navalta, Polcari, Sadato, & Teicher, 2009). Considering victimization more
broadly, parental verbal abuse has been found to be asso-ciated with reduced
integrity of neural integrity (white matter tract anisotropy) in young
adulthood (Choi, Jeong, Rohan, Pol-cari, & Teicher, 2009). Harsh corporal
punishment has been found to be associated with reduced gray matter volumes in
the medial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices and anterior cingu-late
(Tomoda, Suzuki, et al., 2009).
With regard to functional alterations, Ito et al. (1993)
found that abused children had left hemisphere EEG abnormalities in anterior,
temporal, and parietal areas. Taylor et al. (2006) found that children who
experienced harsh or cold parenting showed decreased amygdala activation during
an emotion observation task and a strong relationship between amygdala
activation and right ventrolateral prefrontal cortical areas during an emotion
labeling task, which indicates poor inhibition of the amygdala. Curtis and
Cicchetti (2007) found that maltreated children cate-gorized as nonresilient
had decreased left hemisphere activation when compared to resilient maltreated
children and decreased left parietal activity compared to nonmaltreated
children. EEG asymmetries were associated with observed emotion regulation.
Similarly, neuroendocrine changes have been documented in
the aftermath of childhood interpersonal trauma. Bevans et al. (2008) found
that exposure to childhood trauma was related to alterations in diurnal
cortisol variation. Young children who experienced abuse had lower cortisol
than their nonabused peers (King et al., 2001; Linares et al., 2008). Studies
of women with childhood sexual abuse histories have found similar
neuroen-docrine abnormalities (Bremner, Vermetten, & Kelley, 2007;
Vithilingam, Anderson, et al., 2003; Bremner, Vythi-lingam, Vermetten, et al.,
Although biological findings have not been consistent, they
do indicate a possible broad array of disruptions in the develop-ment of
neuroanatomical structures and functions following maltreatment. Several
studies have examined the relationship symptoms to biological changes in
maltreated children and adults who were maltreated as children (Choi et al.,
2009; Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2001, 2007; Hart, Gunnar, & Cicchetti, 1995;
Murray-Close, Han, Cicchetti, Crick, & Rogosch, 2008; Teicher, Samson,
Polcari, & McGreenery, 2006). Murray-Close et al. (2008) found that
maltreatment experiences moderated a relationship between blunted diurnal
cortisol and aggression in children. Cicchetti and Rogosch (2007) found that
lower morn-ing cortisol was related to decreased resilience and increased
affect dysregulation in maltreated children. Hart et al. (1995) found that
maltreated children had blunted cortisol reactivity, which was in turn related
to lower social competency. Cicchetti and Rogosch (2001) found that maltreated
children with inter-nalizing problems and coexisting internalizing and
externalizing problems had elevated cortisol compared to nonmaltreated
chil-dren. Consistent with these neuroimaging and neuroendocrine findings,
Teicher et al. (2006) found that either parental verbal abuse or witnessing
domestic violence, and particularly their combination, was as strongly or more
strongly associated with emotional dysregulation consistent with malfunction of
the lim-bic system and problems with depression, anxiety, and hostility than
incest or extrafamilial childhood sexual abuse.
Studies of other forms of psychopathology following
interper-sonal trauma have found that neurobiological changes may be more
specific to childhood abuse than to any particular form of psychopathology (De
Bellis & Kuchibhatla, 2006). In a sample of children with PTSD, De Bellis
and Kuchibhatla (2006) found that maltreated children had decreased cerebellar
volumes, which were also associated with earlier and more chronic trauma.
Findings held when contrasting the maltreated group to a nonmaltreated group with
generalized anxiety disorder.
Effects of Childhood
Interpersonal Trauma
Exposure on Treatment
An examination of the treatment literature can shed further
light on whether the symptoms that are the sequelae of childhood interpersonal
trauma may constitute a syndrome that is distinct from existing psychiatric
diagnoses. If this is the case, one might expect that victimized children or
adults with histo-ries of childhood interpersonal trauma would respond more
poorly to treatments that are designed to address existing diag-noses without
ameliorating posttraumatic adaptations. On the other hand, the use of
trauma-focused interventions with victim-ized children or adults with histories
of childhood interpersonal trauma should be more efficacious than
diagnosis-specific treat-ments across a range of psychiatric diagnoses.
Victimization as a Negative Prognostic Factor for Psychiatric Treatments
Pavuluri et al. (2006)
examined responses to lithium treatment in a sample of youth diagnosed with
bipolar disorder. History
physical or sexual abuse predicted treatment nonresponse. In a sample of
children referred for intervention, Lau, Liu, Cheung, Yu, and Wong (2003) found
that, compared to non-maltreated children, children with histories of
interpersonal trauma were more likely to prematurely terminate therapy and show
continued externalizing behaviors 2 years after termina-tion. Jacobs et al.
(2008) found that in a sample of children par-ticipating in a school-based
intervention, nonresponders were more likely than responders to have
experienced sexual abuse and to have comorbid diagnoses. Grella and Joshi
(2003) found that maltreated adolescents fared poorer than their nonmaltreat-ed
peers in substance abuse treatment that was not trauma-focused. Jaycox, Ebener,
Damesek, and Becker (2004) found that, compared to adolescents with PTSD and
adolescents with no history of interpersonal trauma, trauma-exposed adolescents
who were not diagnosed with PTSD were more likely to prema-turely terminate
substance abuse treatment. One possible expla-nation for this finding is that
adolescents with PTSD received interventions that addressed traumatic stress
symptoms as well as substance abuse. Consistent with these findings, Ford and
colleagues (2007) found that adults reporting problems with affect
dysregulation, dissociation, and disturbed interpersonal functioning had a
poorer response to substance abuse treatment than other substance-abusing
adults who did not report those symptoms.
Outcomes of Maltreated Children
Trauma-Informed Interventions
Even when not diagnosed with PTSD, trauma-exposed chil-dren
may fare well when provided with trauma-informed inter-ventions
(Becker-Weidman, 2006; Copping, Warling, Benner, & Woodside, 2001; Dozier
et al., 2006; Ford, Steinberg, Hawke, Levine, & Zhang, in press; Greenwald,
2002; Timmer, Urquiza, & Zebell, 2006). Copping et al. (2001) found that
among children who experienced childhood interpersonal trauma, an intervention
that targeted trauma reactions and attachment had improvements in DTD symptoms.
Soberman, Greenwald, and Rule (2002) found symptom improvement using
trauma-focused EMDR in a sample of boys with con-duct disorder. The group with
standard care showed only mini-mal improvement. In an examination of
interventions for reactive attachment disorder, Becker-Weidman (2006) found
that their entire sample (N = 64) had histories of severe inter-personal
trauma, but that symptoms of the sequelae of victim-ization, such as attention,
social, behavioral, cognitive, and internalizing problems, improved during an
intervention that focused on resolving trauma-related attachment disruptions.
Dozier et al. (2006) found that an intervention that targeted attachment and
self-regulation in maltreated toddlers resulted in improved cortisol and
behavior compared to maltreated children in a control intervention condition.
Ford et al. (in press) found that delinquent girls showed more improvement on
PTSD and anxiety symptoms, trauma-related beliefs about self and the world, and
emotion regulation capacities, if they received a therapy addressing
posttraumatic emotion dysregula-tion (compared to receiving a supportive
client-centered control therapy).
Can the Effects of Symptoms Associated With
Childhood Victimization be Accounted for by Any Existing DSM-IV Diagnosis?
Although multiple psychiatric diagnoses have overlapping
symptoms (e.g., anxiety and depression may both feature psy-chomotor
agitation), each diagnosis generally manifests with a unique constellation of
symptoms. If this is the case with the sequelae of childhood interpersonal
trauma, those symptoms may overlap with symptoms constituting existing
diagnoses but should be largely distinct from the symptoms of any existing
psychiatric diagnosis.
The disorder that shares the most overlap with the sequelae
of childhood victimization is PTSD. Associated features of PTSD, which include
dissociation and survivor guilt, largely describe the sequelae of childhood
victimization. Hyperarousal in PTSD overlaps with affect and impulse
dysregulation; how-ever, PTSD-related hyperarousal does not include affect
dysre-gulation around shame and general affect. Furthermore, hyperarousal in
PTSD differs from impulsivity seen in the sequelae of childhood victimization
in that risky or hypervigi-lant behaviors do not function as a means of
self-soothing, as they are hypothesized to following childhood maltreatment.
Although people with PTSD may experience interpersonal diffi-culties as a
result of their PTSD symptoms, a long-standing insecure attachment style and
distorted perception of others as found in childhood victimization research
does not characterize PTSD.
Given that a complex trauma diagnosis features alterations
in attention, consciousness, and cognition as key symptoms, ADHD overlaps with
symptoms seen in victimized children. ADHD is similar to childhood
victimization symptoms in that chronic dissociation found in the aftermath of
childhood trauma shares features with inattention in ADHD; similarly,
risk-taking and dysregulation after childhood maltreatment share similarity
with hyperactivity and impulsivity in ADHD. However, these two syndromes differ
in the nuances of these shared symptoms. For example, although a dissociative
child may have difficulty attending to a classroom setting, the sense of
depersonalization, derealization, and freeze behavior that characterize
dissociation differ from the general deficit in focus and attention shifting of
a child with ADHD. Indeed, trauma-exposed children are dis-tinguished from
ADHD-diagnosed children without trauma exposure on the basis of dissociation
(Reyes-Perez, Martinez-Taboas, & Ledesma-Amador, 2005). Whereas a child
with ADHD may engage in risky behavior through dysregulated impulses, a
victimized child may engage in impulsive or risky behavior because of affective
instability and attempts to self-soothe. Outside of these overlapping symptoms,
ADHD diverges from interpersonal victimization sequelae in several sig-nificant
ways. ADHD is not characterized by affective, interper-sonal, or somatic
dysregulation, which characterizes victimized children. Inattention and
hyperactivity in ADHD are not thought to result from emotional distress, as
they may in a mal-treated sample. Although self-esteem may be impacted as a
result of ADHD, poor self-schema, identity development, and negative
expectations of caregivers are not core features of ADHD, as they are in
maltreated children. Furthermore, mal-treated children may have presentations
that alter drastically,
impulsive and hyperaroused in one minute and with-drawn and flat in another.
Nonetheless, diagnoses of ADHD are more frequent in
survi-vors of interpersonal trauma (Briscoe-Smith & Hinshaw, 2006; Davids
& Gastpar, 2005; Endo et al., 2006; Husain, Allwood, & Bell, 2008;
Mulsow, O’Neal, & Murry, 2001; Weinstein, Staffel-bach, & Biaggio,
2000). Given the prevalence of ADHD in envi-ronments where community trauma is
common (Ford, Goodman, & Meltzer, 2004; Heiervang et al., 2007; Luna, 2006;
Perry-Burney, Logan, Denby, & Gibson, 2007), the dysregulated affective and
behavioral patterns found in ADHD following interpersonal trauma may be better
conceptualized as one facet of an adaptation to extreme stress. This
distinction may be par-ticularly relevant when inattention appears to arise
from dissoci-ation and impulsivity or hyperactivity arises from affective
The impulsivity, affect dysregulation, and breaks with reality
found in bipolar disorder share some overlap with the sequelae of childhood
victimization. However, the impulsivity associated with bipolar disorder does
not share the tension-reduction goal of impulsive risk-taking found in the
aftermath of violence. The affect dysregulation associated with even
rapid-cycling bipolar disorder occurs on a much slower time course than the
lability and moment-to-moment state shifts expected in traumatized children.
Similar to depression, the psychotic symptoms associ-ated with bipolar disorder
are mood-congruent and not characterized by the fragmentation,
depersonalization, and dere-alization associated with dissociative states.
Whereas manic states are characterized by grandiosity, the symptoms associated
with maltreatment are characterized by a sense of the self as damaged or
defective. Victimized children are not characterized by increases in
goal-directed behavior or decreased need for sleep (although other sleep
disturbance may be present) found in bipolar disorder. Finally, the symptoms
associated with child-hood victimization are characterized by impaired
interpersonal functioning and altered expectations of others, which are not
expected in bipolar disorder.
Although a substantial proportion of children are broadly
symptomatic and impacted in multiple domains of functioning, it is important to
note that the impact of trauma may be cir-cumscribed. For example, some
children may develop separa-tion anxiety, but do not develop more general
problems with attachment or interpersonal relationships. Other children may
develop aggressive behavior problems, but function well aca-demically.
Unfortunately, because the DSM does not make note of etiology, children with
circumscribed pathologies may suffer from the same fate as their
poly-symptomatic peers: Their symptoms are viewed as incidental to their life
histories. That trauma’s impact may be broad should not overshadow the needs of
children more circumspectly impacted. It is equally important to acknowledge
that some children may never develop pathological symptoms; however, resilience
is not orthogonal to pathology, and the two may often coexist in sur-prising
and heartening ways. The goal of this review is to high-light the reality that
many poly-symptomatic children’s needs are overlooked by current diagnostic
approaches. A co-occur-ring symptom presentation is one of many manifestations
of pathology and one possible, if common, posttrauma trajectory.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The available evidence suggests that the sequelae of
exposure to childhood victimization or interpersonal trauma may constitute the
basis for a distinct new psychiatric diagnosis or, perhaps, a construct or
framework within which to research this topic. Therefore, further research is
needed to systematically develop and test the validity and clinical utility of
a new diagnosis. A diag-nosis based upon exposure to developmentally adverse
interper-sonal trauma, victimization, and neglect during childhood has the
potential to alert clinicians to the influential role of childhood trauma in
psychopathology (Ford, 2005; van der Kolk, 2005). These symptoms appear to be
interrelated empirically, distinct from PTSD, and to have logical biological
correlates. With respect to biological data, childhood interpersonal trauma has
documented associations with structural and functional abnor-malities in CNS
areas and neurohormonal systems representing key pathways for the regulation of
consciousness, affect, impulse, sense of self, and physical awareness—that is,
precisely the aspects of functioning that are consistently found to be impaired
in vic-timized children and adults who were victimized in childhood. The
treatment outcome literature lends preliminary, but consis-tent, additional
credence to both the specificity and utility of a complex trauma diagnosis. To
the extent that victimized children with diagnoses such as conduct disorder,
bipolar disorder, and ADHD do not respond as well to disorder-specific
treatments as other children with those diagnoses and do respond to
trauma-focused interventions addressing the core disturbances of affect
dysregulation, attention and consciousness, interpersonal skills, and
attributions and schemas, a new diagnosis could enhance treatment selection and
outcomes for this difficult-to-treat cohort.
Much more than a scientific taxon, psychiatric diagnoses
guide the development of interventions, insurance reimburse-ment, and
scientific inquiry in the mental health fields. Accord-ing to the DSM-IV, a
mental disorder is
conceptualized as a clinically significant
behavior or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and
is associated with present distress or disability or with a significantly
increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability or an important loss of
free-dom.… Whatever its original cause, it must currently be considered a
manifestation of a behavioral, psychological or biological dys-function in the
individual (xxxi).
Problems arising from abuse and neglect have been
docu-mented using a variety of research methodologies: retrospectively and
prospectively; with children and adults abused as children; across economic,
cultural, and racial strata; in large national sam-ples; and by multiple
independent investigators using a variety of psychometric, experimental, and
biological assessment methods. The continued practice of applying multiple
distinct comorbid diagnoses to traumatized children defies the cardinal rule of
parsi-mony, obscures etiological clarity, and runs the danger of relegat-ing
trauma-informed treatment to only one disorder (PTSD) that is experienced by
only a small fraction of traumatized children who are in psychiatric treatment.
On the other hand, a diagnosis based upon the interrelated sequelae of
childhood victimization could reduce diagnostic confusion and enhance the
outcomes by promoting a targeted treatment approach focused on posttrau-matic
biopsychosocial dysregulation.
We hope that specific research recommendations encourage
the field toward action, as the agenda required to address this topic is
lengthy. In particular, research is needed to determine
whether victimization-related symptoms are particular to childhood
interpersonal trauma or might also apply to some types of extreme victimization
experienced in adulthood (e.g., torture, genocide) and to noninterpersonal
traumatic stressors such as chronic life-threatening illness or loss of family,
home, and community in the wake of disasters; (b) whether distur-bances in the
child’s development of attachment security that are nonviolent, such as severe
neglect or the death or permanent loss of a primary caregiver, result in
similar symptoms; (c) whether and how these symptoms originate in sensitive
develop-mental periods (Andersen et al., 2008) and evolve as alterations in
normal developmental trajectories during childhood and throughout the
subsequent life span; (d) how these symptoms are linked specifically to
biological alterations including genetic vulnerability and resilience markers
as well as CNS and periph-eral bodily structures and processes; and (e) how
resilience is fostered. Many children who experience complex trauma are highly
resilient, but the mechanisms of their resilience and the protective factors
that increase their likelihood of resilience have not been sufficiently
specified or studied; Ungar (2011) provided an excellent framework that should
be applied to complex trauma. With regard to clinical utility, it will be
important to determine how these symptoms are viewed by clinicians and how they
empirically perform in scientifically sound clinical assessments, including
their structure and interrelationships, temporal stability or patterns of
change, convergent and discri-minant validity, and comorbidity related to
existing psychiatric diagnoses, predictive utility for both developmental and
treat-ment outcomes, and efficiency and acceptability for use in real-world
clinical practice.
Critics will be quick to note that adding a new diagnosis
to the DSM may not help the problem of continuous versus cate-gorical diagnoses
and the flaws inherent in such a system. Research suggests the need for the
development of a construct, developmental posttraumatic adaptation, that could
serve as the basis for a diagnosis if biological, psychometric, or nosological
research support specific cutoffs for a categorical distinction between
clinically significant symptoms and normative (even if elevated) levels of
developmental posttraumatic adaptation. However, viewing the sequelae of
complex trauma as an array that may form one or more continuous variables will
lead to research on the nature and validity of it as a construct (or a
col-lection of related constructs). Until those studies develop a robust
evidence base, some diagnosis will need to be defined and used clinically based
on the criterion of symptoms that cause impairment to develop and validate
treatments for chil-dren who are impaired as a result of complex trauma
exposure (consistent with suggestions by Taylor, 2011). The construct of
developmental posttraumatic adaptation is consistent with a transactional
theoretical framework in which psychological adaptations (e.g., Calvete &
Orue, 2011) to aspects of the envi-ronment that are modifiable are considered as
potential contrib-utors to (e.g., neighborhood violence) or buffers against
(e.g., community cohesion) both exposure to interpersonal trauma and its
adverse sequelae (see, e.g., Gapen et al., 2011). A com-plex trauma framework
also is consistent with a more nuanced
of the impact of different types of exposure to trauma (Reid-Quinones et al.,
2011) and individual differences in exposure and reactions to trauma (Voisin,
Neilands, & Hun-nicutt, 2011). Rutter’s (2011) proposal of a separate
stress disor-ders domain, including attachment disorders, is consistent with
the research evidence reviewed and importantly expands the scope of sequelae
from anxiety symptoms to fundamental altera-tions in self and relational
Paradoxically, a diagnosis that would specifically describe
complex trauma may help to halt the diagnosis-creep phenome-non that others
have noted, for example, with juvenile bipolar disorder and ADHD. A complex
trauma diagnosis is intended to reduce pathologizing of complex trauma
survivors, who cur-rently often are unduly pathologized by being labeled with
many diagnoses that can become a source of chronic stigma. However, the goal is
to advance research and clinical work, rather than the ‘‘reification of
diagnosis’’ (Hyman, 2010).
This pursuit is an imposing agenda that will require a
coordi-nated series of studies over many years, but the cost and efforts appear
to be well warranted in light of the epidemic need for effective ways to help
victimized children before they (and their families, communities, and society)
suffer irreparable damage to their lives on top of the inherently severe harm
caused by the emotional wounds of interpersonal trauma.
Keywords: children; interpersonal trauma; childhood
victimiza-tion; child abuse and neglect; posttraumatic stress disorder;
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
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